The EMC-STD month 18 project meeting was just held in Barcelona, Spain. During the meeting, the progress made so far in each work package was reviewed, and the main contributions thus far can be summarized as:
✔ Development and validation of emissions measurement methods for in situ testing atypical equipment. This includes measuring electric and magnetic field disturbances from 30 MHz to 6 GHz and 150 kHz to 30 MHz, respectively.
✔ Investigation and optimization of time-domain emissions measurements, including identifying critical spectral estimation parameters through simulations and experiments.
✔ Calibration methods for determining the pulse response of measuring receivers alongside the proposal of alternative waveform patterns that could be used to validate the instrument performance more representatively.
✔ The application of software-defined radio modules to investigate interference in communication links and apply APD as part of emissions assessment.
For more details on the project outcomes, please visit also the project Zenodo community at